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Why does the machine tool collide with the tool

The matter of a machine tool collision is not a small matter, but it is also a big one. Once a machine tool collision occurs, a tool worth hundreds of thousands of yuan may become waste in an instant. Don't say I am exaggerating, this is a real thing.

Why does the machine tool collide with the tool

A machine tool worker in an enterprise lacked operating experience and accidentally collided with a tool, resulting in an imported tool in the factory breaking and being scrapped. Although the factory did not ask the worker to compensate, such a loss is also heartbreaking. Moreover, a machine tool collision will not only make the tool scrapped, but the vibration caused by the collision may also have an adverse effect on the machine tool itself, and even cause a decrease in the accuracy of the machine tool.

Therefore, never take the collision of tools lightly. In machine tool operation, if you can understand the cause of the collision and prevent it in advance, it will undoubtedly greatly reduce the probability of collision. The causes of machine tool collision can be roughly divided into the following categories:

1. Program error

Now the level of CNC of machine tools is very high. Although CNC technology has brought a lot of convenience to machine tool operation, it also lurks some dangers, such as collision caused by program writing errors. There are several situations in which collisions are caused by program errors:

1. Parameter setting errors, resulting in errors in process acceptance and collisions;

2. Errors in program single notes, resulting in collisions caused by incorrect program input;

3. Program transmission errors. Simply put, the program has been re-entered or modified, but the machine still runs according to the old program, resulting in a collision.

For collisions caused by program errors, the following aspects can be avoided:

1. Check the program after writing it to avoid parameter errors.

2. Update the program sheet in time and perform corresponding checks and verifications.

3. Check the detailed data of the program before processing, such as the time and date of program writing, and make sure that the new program can run normally before processing.

2. Improper operation Improper operation leading to machine tool collision is one of the important reasons for machine tool collision. This kind of collision caused by human error can be roughly divided into the following categories:

1. Tool measurement error. Errors in tool measurement lead to mismatch with processing and cause collision.

2. Tool selection error. In the process of manual tool selection, it is easy to consider the processing process inconsiderately, and the selected tool is too long or too short, resulting in a collision.

3. Wrong blank selection. When selecting the blank for processing, the actual processing situation is not considered, the blank is too large or it does not match the blank set by the program, resulting in a collision.

4. Clamping errors. Improper clamping during processing can also cause tool collisions.

Tool collisions caused by the above-mentioned human factors can be avoided from the following aspects:

1. Select reliable tool measuring instruments and measurement methods.

2. Select tools after fully considering the processing process and the blank situation.

3. Select the blank according to the program settings before processing, and check the blank size, hardness and other data.

4. Combine the clamping process with the actual processing situation to avoid operational errors.

3. Other reasons In addition to the above-mentioned situations, some other unexpected situations may also cause machine tool collisions, such as sudden power outages, machine tool failures, or defects in workpiece materials. For such situations, prevention needs to be done in advance, such as regular maintenance of machine tools and related facilities, and strict control of workpieces.

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Post time: Sep-04-2024