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Why does the machine tool collide Here’s the problem!

The incident of a machine tool colliding with a knife is big and big, let’s say small, it’s really not small. Once a machine tool collides with a tool, hundreds of thousands of tools may become waste products in an instant. Don’t say I’m exaggerating, it’s true.
A machine tool worker in an enterprise lacked operating experience and accidentally collided with a knife. As a result, an imported knife in the factory was broken and scrapped. Although the factory does not allow workers to compensate, such losses are also painful. Moreover, the tool collision of the machine tool will not only make the tool scrapped, but the vibration generated by the tool collision may also have an adverse effect on the machine tool itself, seriously even leading to a decrease in the accuracy of the machine tool and so on.

So, don’t take knife collision seriously. In the operation of machine tools, if we can understand the cause of tool collision and prevent it in advance, the probability of tool collision will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

The causes of machine tool collision can be roughly divided into the following categories:

1. Program error

Nowadays, the level of numerical control of machine tools is very high. Although numerical control technology has brought a lot of convenience to the operation of machine tools, there are also some dangers lurking at the same time, such as knife collision incidents caused by programming errors.

The knife collision caused by program error has the following situations:

1. The parameter setting is wrong, which leads to the error of the process undertaking and the collision of the knife;

2. It is the error in the remark of the program sheet, which leads to the knife collision caused by the wrong input of the program;

3. It is a program transmission error.

To put it simply, the program is re-entered or modified, but the machine still runs according to the old program, resulting in knife collision.

Knife collisions caused by procedural errors can be avoided from these aspects:

1. Check the program after the program is written to avoid parameter errors.

2. The program list shall be updated in time, and corresponding checks shall be carried out.

3. Check the detailed data of the program before processing, such as the time and date of program writing, etc., and process after confirming that the new program can run normally.

2. Improper operation

Improper operation leads to tool collision of machine tool is one of the important reasons for machine tool collision. The tool collision caused by human error can be roughly divided into the following categories:

1. Tool measurement error. Mistakes in tool measurement lead to mismatch with machining and tool collision occurs.

2. Tool selection error. In the process of artificially selecting the tool, it is easy to not consider the machining process carefully, and the selected tool is too long or too short, resulting in tool collision.

3. Wrong selection of blanks. The actual processing situation is not considered when selecting the rough blanks for processing. The rough blanks are too large or because they do not conform to the programmed blanks, resulting in knife collisions.

4. Clamping error. Improper clamping during processing can also lead to tool collision.

Knife collisions caused by the above-mentioned man-made situations can be avoided from the following aspects:

1. Choose reliable tool measuring instruments and measuring methods.

2. Choose the cutting tool after fully considering the processing process and blank condition.

3. Select the blank according to the program setting before processing, and check the size, hardness and other data of the blank.

4. The clamping process is combined with the actual processing conditions to avoid operational errors.

3. Other reasons

In addition to the above situations, some other accidents may also cause the machine tool to collide, such as sudden power failure, machine tool failure or workpiece material defects, etc. For such situations, it is necessary to take precautions in advance, such as regular maintenance of machine tools and related facilities, and strict control of workpieces.

It is no small matter for a machine tool to collide with a knife, and carefulness is the magic weapon. Understand the reasons for machine tool collisions and carry out targeted prevention according to actual processing conditions. I believe that even a novice can handle it with ease. This is the end of today’s consultation question and answer, if you have any ideas, you can leave us a message and share with us!

Post time: Apr-18-2023