8.Self-centering fixture eight

V-shaped blocks (one fixed, the other movable) center the yellow workpiece longitudinally.
9.Self-centering fixture 9

The yellow running workpiece is centered longitudinally when in contact with all two pink roller pairs. This clamp is used on bamboo slitting machines. The red knife is stationary.
10.Self-centering fixture 10

Turn the orange and yellow gear sets to clamp the brown workpiece. Two gray pads center the workpiece lengthwise.
Centering condition: R1 /R3= R2 /R4 (the angular speeds of the blue and green gears are equal)
The relationship between gear pitch radius: R4 =R1 +R2 +R3
R1, R2, R3 and R4 are the pitch radii of the orange, yellow, blue and green gears respectively.
11.Self-centering fixture 11

Multi-piece clamping. The V-blocks center the yellow workpiece longitudinally, with compression springs between the V-blocks.
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12.Self-centering fixture twelve

The workpiece (orange) is clamped (orange) with a hydraulic cylinder via a green wedge on the piston, two pins and two yellow levers. The pink V-block centers the workpiece lengthwise.
13.Self-centering fixture thirteen

The floating cylinder moves the two pink jaws in sync. The slider-crank mechanism of the orange connecting rod takes very little load and ensures equal displacement of both jaws.
Post time: Dec-19-2023